Insurance companies are receiving thousands of claims in the year. According to Forensic Research India, Insurance sector loses around 8.5% of its revenue due to fraudulent claims. Majority of the loss is due to Fraudulent Property Loss Claims, Fire and Arson Case related Claims, Vehicular Accident-related claims. It is very difficult to identify Fraudulent claims without taking help of Forensic Expert. In order to reduce such loses, such cases need to be investigated. To investigate, immense knowledge of the Forensic Science in combination of Insurance Sector is required.
We at SFS, investigate such claims by following Forensic procedures and without compromising scene of Crime. Our Forensic Experts has in depth knowledge of investigation protocols. We follow all CSI related protocols strictly which includes, in detail survey, photography and videography of incident.
Arson investigation comes into picture when insurance companies suspect that the object has been put on fire with malicious intensions or purposely. In such incidents, Forensic Experts can investigate the scene by following crime scene investigation related protocols such as survey, photography, videography, evidence collection for further instrumental analysis.
What we do:
Vehicular accident investigation:
Expert will visit the place of incident and analyze it by following the protocols. Detailed report will be prepared with photographs, and graphical representation of instrumental output.
Property fire investigation:
Forensic expert will visit the scene of incident to analyze the scene, collect the evidence without contaminating it and comment about the genuineness of the claim.
Electrical fire investigation:
Expert will examine the scene of incident for evidence of short circuit and prepare Forensic report with detailed findings.
Instrumental analysis of fire debris:
Instrumental analysis of debris to confirm type of hydrocarbons can be performed by using GCMS instrument.
SFS is empaneled with insurance companies for Forensic services. We have senior expert is on our advisory board to guild us. In addition to it, we have experienced team of experts to perform investigative steps for Arson investigation.
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